From photographic abstraction to digital compression to art painting. A site-responsive artwork, that uses a form of mixed media composition, resulting in architecturally scaled forms that animate the romance of Skyros.
Born and raised in Thessaloniki in 1989. Lived and studied architecture in Italy at Politecnico di Torino (Bachelor degree) and Universitàdi Parma (Master degree). Currently living in Thessaloniki where he practises Architecture and digital forms of arts.
One of the challenges I faced during the creation of our project was connecting the realistic aspect of our work with the imaginary.
The realistic aspect is reflected through the architectural elements, which also served as a way of mapping Skyros.
The imaginary element on the other hand, is depicted in the drawings.
This combination resulted in the birth of something new which delicately balances between these two ‘worlds’.
Usually when I create an artwork, I begin by developing the core idea.
Before the idea there is space, space is not static nor is it determined, therefore space is free.
The challenge was to attempt to convey, through our paintings the feelings evoked in us by a photographic survey of Skyros.